A Guide to the Root Canal Procedures

If you're considering a root canal, you've likely got some questions. What happens during a root canal? What can I expect from the procedure? Knowing more about the root canal process can help you make an informed choice about your oral health treatment. Read on to learn more. 

What Happens During a Root Canal?

A root canal is a fantastic way to treat an infected tooth from needing to be extracted. During the procedure, your dentist will use precise instruments to create a small entry point and then clean out any decay or infections. Once completely removed, they'll fill the area with special material to protect it from further damage. Depending on the complexity of your case, or if you're feeling anxious about the process, your dentist may suggest sedation dentistry in order to help keep you as relaxed as possible during the appointment.

What Complications Can Arise During Root Canals?

The procedure for a root canal is often described as time-consuming and difficult, and it's true that not all root canals are the same. Your dentist may face additional challenges during treatment if your tooth has been around for some time. Older teeth tend to have larger canals with more complex structures, which can make them harder to treat with standard dental tools. However, your dentist may be able to use alternative techniques or modern technology in order to reach those deeper canals and do their best to provide relief. If you're still experiencing persistent discomfort after your root canal procedure, feel free to talk with your dentist about taking antibiotics or other medications to help manage it.

What are the Benefits of Root Canals?

Although people tend to dread getting root canals, there are many benefits associated with them - not least of which is that they can save a severely damaged tooth from extraction. In addition, having a root canal prevents further infection from occurring in your mouth and relieves pain caused by decay and cavities. Furthermore, once healed up properly following the procedure, teeth that have had root canals are just as strong as natural teeth without any concerns over sensitivity or discolouration.


Root canals aren't something most people look forward to but knowing what goes into them beforehand helps ease some of those anxieties associated with them and can increase understanding of their value for treating severe tooth damage or decay. Talking through all aspects of treatment with your dentist will ensure that you decide together on the best course of action for protecting and preserving your oral health needs. For more info and advice about root canal treatment, contact your dentist today.
